
Paul Turner

I've been working with teenagers for over 30 years and coaching youth workers for over 20 yrs. Sign up for my weekly newsletter the Youth Ministry Round Up for encouragement, articles and videos to help you build a successful youth ministry.

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Youth Ministry Round Up #182 Draft

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, We are family This is the picture that summarizes our camp this year. If you missed the journey, you can check out the daily youth camp recap videos I put out or you can listen to the podcast version of those four days. It's my philosophy that students should share, as soon as they can, what God did for them at camp. A five minute window on a Sunday morning isn't enough for me but, thankfully, I work in a church that allowed our...

4 Tips to Make the Most of Your Next Youth Camp Experience

Hey there, youth pastors! Paul Turner here, fresh off a fantastic week at Springville Camp Conference Center. Day 4 is in the books, and I'm happy to report it was a great experience overall. We had amazing services all week long, a wonderful speaker, and our students did an excellent job looking out for each other. I love seeing that kind of tight-knit community develop at camp. As I reflect on our week, I wanted to share some tips and insights that might help you make the most of your next...

Youth Ministry Round Up #181

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, I know you are being inundated with information about the assassination attempt of former president Donald Trump, but let's remember that the shooter was a 20 year old young man, a member of Gen Z, a generation we are deeply committed to and trying to reach. What can we do, now? Keep your words few Scripture tells us "When there are many words, wrongdoing is unavoidable,But one who restrains his lips is wise." Proverbs 10:19 Let's...

Youth Ministry Round Up #180

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, It's just a few days past halfway through the year and I think it's a good time to reflect. Here are a few questions to get your brain juices flowing as you move into the second half of the year. What were you personal goals starting out in 2024? Ministry goals? How's it going? If you're not happy with how things are, where do you need to pivot? How has God shown up in the midst of your expectations? What can you be grateful for? do...

You're Gonna' Need A Bigger Youth Room

Hey All, If you don't know, Shark Week starts next week on the Discovery Channel and I thought that some of you might like a few ideas to either pull off a shark week theme night or maybe a few ideas to go along with whatever you do have planned. Have an awesome youth meeting and a great 4th of July! Paul Anyone have any goldfish crackers? Shark Week

Youth Ministry Round Up #179

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, Now you know your ABC's These past six months have been amazing as I have reflected on some of the lessons I've learn over 30 years of youth ministry. I hope you've enjoyed this alphabetic journey as much as I have. If you've been along for the ride, great! If you've only caught half or a portion of these alphabet devotions or if you've just signed up and have no idea what I'm talking about, that's ok too because I have collected all...

Youth Ministry Round Up #178

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, ABC's of Youth Ministry Z is for Zeal To those selling doves He said, “Get these out of here! How dare you turn My Father’s house into a marketplace!” His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for Your house will consume Me.” John 2:16,17 Zeal, properly applied, is a good thing. I think we all want to be like Jesus and topple everything over that is not good in God's house, but I'm afraid, for many churches, there wouldn't...

Youth Ministry Round Up #177

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, ABC's of Youth Ministry Y is for Yearning By faith he dwelt in the promised land as a stranger in a foreign country. He lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. Hebrews 11:9,10 I do feel like Abraham, in many ways, and maybe you do too I feel like a stranger in a strange land At 56 and 30+ years in...

Youth Ministry Round Up #176

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, ABC's of Youth Ministry X is for X-Ray Vision When I was a kid, I remember conversation between classmates, mostly male, about which of superman's powers we'd like to have and x ray vision was hands down the favorite. Not a saint among us. I think X-Ray vision is a super power every youth pastor must have to survive because you have to see through so many things. You have to see through the church How many of you wish you had x-ray...