
Paul Turner

I've been working with teenagers for over 30 years and coaching youth workers for over 20 yrs. Sign up for my weekly newsletter the Youth Ministry Round Up for encouragement, articles and videos to help you build a successful youth ministry.

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Youth Ministry Round Up #194

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, Did your church celebrate Pastor Appreciation Day this past week? Did you feel left out or less than? Been there. Your Lead Pastor got all the praise and a nice offering and you got a Chick-Fila gift card. Better than nothing, right? And some of you actually got nothing; no gift card, no shout out and no thank you. Been there. I have received some nice offerings and great thank you's over the past 30 years but that's not why I got...
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Youth Ministry Round Up #193

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, So, there are 700,800 hours in an 80-year lifespan. Let’s say, as a youth pastor, you spend the max time with a student each week for one hour. That student doesn’t miss a week for 6 years (6th through 12th grade) The number of hours you’ll spend with them in youth meetings, until they graduate, if your youth meeting is at least one hour, equals 312 hours. Let’s say neither of you miss a Sunday for 6 years, so add another 312 hours...
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Youth Ministry Round Up #192

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls. Proverbs 25:28 Does your church make you want to scream into your pillow? Me too. I don't know about you, but I need walls. There are some who say walls are bad, that we should let all our emotions out all time and people just have to deal with it. The problem with that strategy is that it makes you emotionally vulnerable, but in a bad way. You can' say...
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Youth Ministry Round Up #191

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, Did your student leave this comment on my recent viral video about why I think the real Jesus is so unpopular? I have no proof that a teen or young adult left this comment, but I think it could have been one of your students or one of my students, for that matter. This comment could have also been left by anyone who has a preference for a pop culture Jesus vs a scriptural Jesus. This is no swipe at The Chosen, it's an observation...
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Youth Ministry Round Up #190

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, Can I be honest? My youth group is difficult to grow because my church is difficult to grow. I'm in a rural church with an older congregation. For youth pastors, winning can, exclusively, look like numeric growth. It's often what validates us, our skills and even our calling, but I'm hear to tell you that is not true. Numeric growth is not the only indicator of "winning" Do you have kids who show up? That's winning Do you have kids...
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Youth Ministry Round Up #189

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, Never thought a Deadpool x Wolverine movie quote would come in handy, but here we are. Wolverine: "You got the wrong guy" X-23: "You were always the wrong guy, until you weren't" Have you been feeling like the "wrong person" for your ministry? Me too. You signed up to lead a youth ministry and then everything has gone sideways. Nothing is happening like you thought it would and now all seems lost. Does this this sounds familiar?...
coldplay song we pray bible lesson

Coldplay Song We Pray Lesson Idea

COLDPLAY WE PRAY Hey Awesome Person, Have you heard the Coldplay song We Pray? The song came out a few weeks ago and I thought it was worth sharing with you a few ways to use the song in your youth group as a way to teach on prayer. Here are a few things you need to know before I share the ideas, Chris Martin was brought up in a strict Christian home and shares about it in this interview from 2021. Based on the interview, Pray is not a "Christian" song, but a universal call to pray to...
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Youth Ministry Round Up #188

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, I want to make this short devotion about you and your needs, but I'm struggling with that. I lost my mother-in-law this past week and it's been tough. I preached her funeral and it broke me. You see, she was my second mother. I lost both my adopted parents by the time I was 30. I thought I was conditioned to deal with loss by now, I was wrong. I have been my in-laws pastor since I married their daughter 33 years ago. They didn't...
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Youth Ministry Round Up #187

WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST YOUTUBE BLOG Greetings Awesome Person, Oh the highs and lows of youth ministry. One week I have their full attention, the next I am talking to myself. It's easy to judge ourselves, our abilities and even God's call in the low times and it is equally easy to think we have it all together and God is "blessing" our ministry. I think we should ignore both. You're never as good as you think you are and you are never as bad as you think you are. You are, normally, somewhere in...